Evidence and Documentation: Establishing the Start of a Relationship

Establishing the Start of a Relationship

The timing of the beginning of a common-law relationship can have significant implications, especially in cases where substantial assets are involved. Proving the start date of a common-law relationship can be crucial for determining the division of assets, particularly if there has been significant financial growth during the relationship.

To establish the start date of a common-law relationship, documentation and evidence are key, such as:

  • Statutory declarations
  • Shared bank accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Ownership or leases of residential
  • property
  • Shared bills and utilities
  • Shared household expenses
  • Shared purchases
  • Financial records
  • Emails
  • Statutory declarations
  • Shared bank accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Ownership or leases of residential
  • property
  • Shared bills and utilities
  • Shared household expenses
  • Shared purchases
  • Financial records
  • Emails

In a hypothetical scenario, if one person’s stock portfolio doubled in value over a period of six months while in a common-law relationship, the date of the relationship’s commencement could influence how the increased value of the assets is divided in the event of a separation. If the relationship started after the portfolio had already appreciated significantly, the other partner may argue for a lesser share of the increase. Conversely, if the relationship began before the appreciation, both partners may have a stronger claim to a share of the increased value.

It is essential to document and retain evidence of the relationship’s start date, especially if substantial financial assets are involved.

In a hypothetical scenario, if one person’s stock portfolio doubled in value over a period of six months while in a common-law relationship, the date of the relationship’s commencement could influence how the increased value of the assets is divided in the event of a separation. If the relationship started after the portfolio had already appreciated significantly, the other partner may argue for a lesser share of the increase. Conversely, if the relationship began before the appreciation, both partners may have a stronger claim to a share of the increased value.

It is essential to document and retain evidence of the relationship’s start date, especially if substantial financial assets are involved.

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Daniel Mandelbaum


I discovered that I was born to mediate and collaborate, as I was – and still am – the individual that my friends and family call on to resolve any conflicts that may arise.

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